Reflexion CLINICAL–GRADE Multizone® Memory Foam Pressure Relief Mattress
The Reflexion Multizone pressure relief system consists of a layered synthetic foam mattress core, built up of a Reflex Foam under-layer which is graded to an individual user’s weight, together with a ‘multi-zoned’ vasco-elastic ‘memory foam’ overlay to carry the body surface and support it while evening out pressure distribution right across the body contours, thereby absolutely minimising the risk and incidence of pressure point problems.
The Reflexion Multizone mattress has been tested extensively in hospital environments by the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at Salisbury Healthcare NHS Trust, where its performance has been proven – you simply will not find a better foam-based pressure relief mattress than Reflexion.
Reflexion is assessed as a ‘Low to Medium’ risk pressure control product when encased in two-way stretch knitted fabric; it is suitable for high-risk applications when encased in hospital standard vapour-permeable covers (see our WPVP MATTRESS COVERS).
Further performance information specifically on Reflexion is available upon request.
Multizone is specifically the ‘egg-box’ criss-cross pattern cut into the upper memory foam surface. This is precisely what gives Reflexion Multizone its market leading pressure-relief performance - together with the additional valuable benefit of increased ventilation and mattress cooling - for the greater comfort of the end-user. Be aware that only Reflexion Multizone has the backing of the full clinical trials conducted by the Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering at Salisbury Healthcare Trust referred to above.
ORWOODS are committed to maintaining highest performance and comfort standards across product ranges, and therefore use exclusively Reflexion Multizone – we want our users to have the best: note that simple ‘Reflexion’ does not mean the same thing as ‘Reflexion Multizone’.
Reflexion is also available with built-in massage system.
Reflexion Pressure Relief - Hospital-tested pressure relief memory foam performance technology, especially suitable for those with pain sensitive conditions or pressure relief concerns.