The Integral Profile & Lift action incorporates both a standard profiling movement combined with a vertical up and down high-low lifting mechanism. It offers a very neat arrangement with all working mechanical parts being totally hidden from view when the mechanism is fully lowered.
IPL is of course available as a standalone single-bed, but it is also especially popular with double arrangements fitted alongside a second adjustable action (or static half) within a single base surround, where it works particularly well since its high-low movement does not require the whole supporting base underneath to move up and down.
The IPL operates vertically ‘straight up and down’ with no lateral travel and so has a slightly more compact (size of bed base) working ‘footprint’ than the CBL, which is one of its main advantages. it does however have a more limited weight capacity of approximately 18 stone /120kg, and it should also be noted that the IPL mechanism is unsuitable where the whole bed needs to be manoeuvred whilst the occupant is still in the bed (eg for carer access needs).
The IPL mechanism is available as standard in a Full-Divan base style base of 2’6”, 3’ or 4’ width - others are available on a special custom component order basis.
Because of the design of the mechanical movement, IPL has an absolute minimum floor-to-top-of-base height of 15.5” (39cm) which takes floor to top of mattress height to approximately 23.5” (assuming an 8” mattress depth). Note that, if manual hoist access is required, the Integral Profile & Lift bed needs to be built an additional 2” higher than this, to ensure that mechanical parts inside the bed base are clear of the area where hoist arms are typically inserted. The lowest achievable heights with the IPL mechanism are therefore not as low as can be achieved with CBL packages.
The deep divan base can with IPL can be supplied with side cut-outs for hoist access and/or with decorative foot end panel and side-detailing as required.
For a brief description of the key features of the IPL high-low bed together with comment please click here
For full information on what you need to be aware of when acquiring any high-low bed solution click here
We work to published retail price lists circulated throughout our dealer network. We do not publish price lists on this website, but we are happy to talk openly and in detail about prices on the telephone / via e-mail - all we need is a little information to help us determine exactly what sort of items/specification of bed solutions you are interested in - please feel free to contact us!