As the upper body section of a standard adjustable bed action is raised, the user is brought into an upright position, but away from the headboard/wall – and of course, forwards away from any bedside table, which will usually be located up against the wall right next to where the user’s head rests when the action is flat and the user is lying down.
For many people, either the need to get to the bedside table when the upper body section is raised is not of crucial importance, or alternatively the extra reaching that is required may be achievable without the Stayback movement - and the standard ORWOOD action will be quite sufficient for their needs.
Where however, there is a real need to be able to access the bedside table (for example, to obtain fluids or medicaments) and yet the user does not possess the necessary mobility to reach the table when a standard action is used, the facility to have the bed action move back as it rises can be of major importance in achieving an acceptable level of personal independence.
For this category of individual, the idea of introducing a movable ‘over-the-top under-the-bed’ style table on castors to compensate is in most cases entirely unsuitable on three counts:
a) The more restricted the user’s mobility, the less able they are to reach and manoeuvre a mobile table (either to push out of the way or to pull into position).
b) The exact spot where such a mobile table would naturally be positioned (ie parallel to the seat area when sitting upright, which constitutes approximately the thigh/seat area when the user is in a flat lying position) is usually fundamentally unsuitable as a location for furniture of any description, as it occupies the very space which the user needs to have free in which to place their feet when swinging their legs and body round into a sitting position on the edge of the bed when getting into and out of the bed.
c) In any event, space is invariably at a premium and it is of paramount convenience and safety importance to maintain free uncluttered access around the bed for the use of wheelchairs, walking frames, other aids and of course all the movements associated with bed use.
The Stayback meets a specific yet common need, and deals with these problems very neatly and efficiently – allowing better access to the bedside table when the action is raised upright whilst also preserving floor-space for practical use of the bed with the minimum of obstacle.
Note: compare the photographs above. Look in particular at the raised foot section which is in the same position in each of the photographs; see how a gap emerges at the foot end of the bed when the internal action moves up towards the head end as the user is brought into an upright sitting position: the seat area ‘stays back’ about 12” closer to the headboard/wall than standard actions – just what is necessary to preserve use of a normal bed-side table.
As the bed action moves into its ‘Stayback’ position, a void would appear at the end of the bed between the action and the foot end; beds are supplied with this void blanked off, so that nothing can get trapped / fall into this area.